The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), led by CIAT brings together some of the world’s best researchers in agricultural science, development research, climate science and Earth System science, to identify and address the most important interactions, synergies and tradeoffs between climate change, agriculture and food security. CGIAR is a global agriculture research partnership for a food secure future. Its research is carried out by 15 CGIAR centers in close collaboration with hundreds of partner organizations.
The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) is a non-profit research and development organization dedicated to reducing poverty and hunger while protecting natural resources in developing countries. It is one of the 15 institutes of the CGIAR global research partnerships, and a lead on CGIAR’s global Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) program and the USAID Learning Community for Supply Chain Resilience.
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is one of the 15 institutes of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). IITA is a leading research partner in finding solutions for hunger, malnutrition, and poverty in Africa. IITA works with partners to enhance crop quality and productivity, reduce producer and consumer risks, and generate wealth from agriculture.
The Rainforest Alliance has been working for 30 years to bring real, measurable benefits to forests, communities, and wildlife in vulnerable landscapes around the world. They have been working to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior through their sustainable certification.
Root Capital seeks to improve the lives of rural farmers by connecting them with the formal economy. Root Capital invests in the growth of agricultural enterprises to transform rural communities. These businesses purchase crops such as coffee, cocoa, or grains from thousands of smallholder farmers. They connect members to markets and help improve their farming practices.
Sustainable Food Lab (SFL) is a global sustainability network that works to create more sustainable food systems by helping organizations turn ideas into action. As a partner in the US Government’s Feed the Future initiative, SFL has been working to engage global private sector to implement Climate Smart Agriculture with smallholder farmers.